ICAI द्वारा अपने सदस्यों को निम्न Digital Tools, निशुल्क प्रदान किये जायेंगे
- Audit Documentation Tools Software
- Data Analytics Tool
- Practice Management Software
- Online Digital Library
Digital Tools के लिए कृपया 30 जून से पहले निम्न लिंक पर रजिस्ट्रेशन कराएं।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए https://resource.cdn.icai.org/65087cmp52366.pdf
Empanelment with C&AG of India for 2021-22
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The status of provisional Empanelment along with the provisional score points with respect to the Chartered Accountant firms / LLPs firms who have applied for empanelment with O/o C&AG of India for the year 2021-22 will be available on the C&AG website www.care.cag.gov.in from 18th May 2021 to 27th May…
Waiver of Condonation Fees on Fling of Form 18
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Important Announcement
Waiving-off Condonation Fees due to late filing of application Form 18 related to Members and Firms amidst COVID-19 Pandemic till 30th July, 2021
Amidst the current situation arising out of Covid-19, it is observed that Members and Firms are facing difficulties in filing Form 18, i.e., for…
Medical Assistance for CAs and their Dependents
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Norms have been Relaxed by ICAI for Medical Assistance for CAs and their Dependents due to COVID-19
For Detail
For Application
Detailed FAQs
The ICAI invites Application for Teaching CA Class
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The Board of Studies of the ICAI, in order to provide best academic experience to its students through virtual live classes is looking for reputed faculty having strong hold on their respective subjects with three or more than three years of relevant experience in teaching CA students at Foundation, Intermediate…